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I lead a research group at the Danish Technical University's Center for Biosustainability, called Sustainable Food Innovation. We use culinary research and development to make flavourful sustainable foods, natural sciences to study how they work, and social sciences to explore how they can contribute to food culture. Through this union of innovation, transdisciplinary research, and open knowledge-sharing, we work for a food system that is more sustainable, equitable, and transparent, offering foods that are more diverse, nourishing, and delicious.





Much of my group's work revolves around microbes and fermentation, and how they link flavour, sustainability, and biodiversity.


In my PhD I investigated whether novel fermentation practices at some leading restaurants and flavour innovators in Copenhagen are creating new microbial ecologies and evolutionary histories through their pursuit of new flavours.


With colleagues at MIT Media Lab Space Exploration Initiative, I extended these experiments to the International Space Station to see if this highly specific environment gives rise to new microbial ecologies and evolution.





Studying how human societies past and present shape their landscapes for food production, who gets to decide where cultivation and domestication are at work, and why it matters, is an ongoing project.


I investigated these ideas in my Master's thesis, on indigenous cultivation and conservation politics in the Canadian Pacific Northwest (publication forthcoming).


Together with a colleague I have explored domesticatory practices around the tradition of rearing edible wasps as a delicacy in central mountainous Japan.


In my PhD thesis I outline some multispecies revisions to domestication theory appropriate for life in the Anthropocene—to be developed further.





While working with Nordic Food Lab, I guided research projects involving a range of neglected and underutilised products of the Nordic region, including wild plants, insects, sea creatures, and fermentations.


More recently I have shifted into studying and conducting collaborative experiments with gastronomic innovators.


I have also offered culinary research and development consultation from Denmark to New Zealand. If consultation is of interest to you, you are welcome to get in touch.





With a past project for Nordic Food Lab, I explored the gastronomic diversity and potential of insects around the world, and their implications for sustainability.


The results were shared in a book, a documentary film, a tv series, and articles and recipes gathered in an online folio.


© Joshua David Evans, 2024

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